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Download data ⬇️

🌐 getPixels and computePixels

  • Description: These functions download images or image collections as GeoTIFF files using or
  • Arguments:
    • 🗂️ table: A Data6+3Frame containing the metadata for the download.
    • ⚙️ nworkers: Number of threawds (workers) for concurrent downloading.
    • 🔄 deep_level/max_deep_level: Maximum depth for recursion when downloading large images.
  • Returns: A list of paths 📂 to the downloaded GeoTIFF files.
fastcubo.getPixels(table, nworkers=4, output_path="demo1") # for table in query_getPixels_image

fastcubo.computePixels(table, nworkers=4, output_path="demo3") # for table in query_computePixels_image

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